In the face of unrelenting demand and ongoing backlog, Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE) took on fewer new projects in 2024 than in the recent past. However, new projects this year have typically been slightly greater in scope than has been typical for the past few years. In addition, more new projects have been started for existing clients than ever before. Assessments of in-service structures remained the largest proportion of projects in 2024, which ranged in scope from consulting on a real estate transaction to structural analysis of the change in load under the existing building code for a multi-family conversion. Underpinning and excavation support-related projects made up the next largest category, building on the momentum in the foundation and geostructural service lines from the past two years. Finally, structural design for additions, alterations and new construction represented the third largest project type.
It is All Happening in May
Have you noticed how many observance and awareness days, weeks and months related to the architecture/engineering/construction (A/E/C) industry happen in May? If so, you are not imagining it. A wide variety of interest groups hold awareness campaigns in the month of May. The observance calendar of the National Safety Council, which is not A/E/C-specific, shows 21 awareness weeks and months in May, ranging from National Heatstroke Prevention Day (May 1) to National Water Safety Month. The next busiest month was April, with 10 observances.
This week, May 13-17, is Infrastructure Week. It is no longer a joke, but is is lower profile after the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)of 2021. Under the umbrella of Accelerator for America Action, the 12th annual Infrastructure Week continues to raise awareness of the importance of infrastructure and advocate for infrastructure improvements by promoting awareness of the potential transformative investment represented y the IIJA.
From the Files: Lebanon City Hall Underpinning
Last week, Lebanon Opera House, the nonprofit arts and culture organization that operates the performing arts venue of the same name, kicked off its celebration of the theater’s centennial with a grand reopening following a multi-million dollar renovation project. The project featured modernized searing, an expanded lobby and improved artist-support spaces, along with an interior design that combines art deco detail and patterns evocative of the theater’s 1920s origins with modern simplicity. With its last significant renovation over 20 years ago, the Lebanon Opera House was in due for an update to bring it into its second century of service.
As prominent as the opera house is, particularly after the renovation, it is housed within Lebanon City Hall, an active municipal building for a city of about 15,000 people at the core of the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont. As a touring musician or theater production sets up for an evening performance, residents may be paying property taxes, obtaining vehicle registrations, or filing building permits one floor below. The building also houses the city council chambers and the offices of the city manager and various city departments. Continue reading “From the Files: Lebanon City Hall Underpinning”
RJDCE 2023 in Review
2023 was a busy year for the office of Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE), which featured a diverse portfolio of new and ongoing projects. The year began with a substantial backlog of structural condition assessments and projects in or entering construction. As the construction season began, RJDCE was engaged to provide consulting and design for underpinning and excavation support for multiple projects. In addition, RJDCE provided structural design services for building renovations and additions and performed more than a dozen condition assessments and forensic investigations of structural and foundation systems. Projects in Brooklyn, New York and Baltimore, Maryland, marked RJDCE’s post-pandemic return to the Greater New York City and Baltimore/Washington markets.
Project Highlights:
- Provided frost-protected shallow foundation details for loading dock structures to avoid underpinning an existing industrial building in Taunton, Massachusetts.
- Provided underpinning consulting and design services for the renovation of a fitness center in Lebanon, New Hampshire.
- Provided excavation support design for a new community building in Brooklyn, New York.
- Investigated apparent construction defects in recently completed single-family homes in Coos County and Concord, New Hampshire.
- Investigated nuisance vibrations in a recently renovated Baltimore, Maryland rowhouse.
- Performed a structural condition assessment of a fire-damaged multi-family residence in Hartford, Vermont.
- Provided repair details for steel floor beams in a former mill structure in Sullivan County, New Hampshire.
- Provided structural analysis and design services to modify wood roof trusses in a residential garage in Hanover, New Hampshire, to allow the installation of a staircase.
- Reviewed forensic investigations and the construction documents to remedy differential settlement of a slab-on-grade in a converted industrial building in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for a tenant.
Season’s Greetings
Structural Engineering Considerations of Renovating a Timber Frame Building
Many buildings constructed in the nineteenth century and earlier are timber-frame structures. Builders used plentiful old-growth timber and adapted European construction methods to the new world. While the behavior of timber braced frames are fairly complex, these buildings were built without the aid of structural engineering calculations and design standards. To ensure that the building was safe and useable, the builders could not deviate too far from their prior experience. As a result, historical timber-frame buildings follow common forms and floor plans. Even as light wood-frame construction began to replace timber framing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, vestiges of timber framing practice persisted.
While traditional timber frame structures and later light-frame wood structures have outward similarities, their structural behavior differs significantly, resulting in light-framed structures being more easily modified. What would be straightforward renovations in conventional light-frame wood construction may introduce complications requiring the involvement of a structural engineer in a timber frame structure. Continue reading “Structural Engineering Considerations of Renovating a Timber Frame Building”
The Year In Review: 2022
For the office of Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE), 2022 represented continuity, maintaining the steady pace and diversity of projects of 2021, but also saw modest progress on strategic objectives.
The Year in Review
As RJDCE was completing projects from late 2021, the 2022 construction season started quickly. The schedule coordination difficulties that have come to characterize the COVID-19 era in the architecture, engineering and construction industry continued to plague multiple projects. After a few months of an abnormally high proportion of proposals becoming projects and additional services being required for ongoing projects, the practice was severely overloaded. Despite contract labor recruitment efforts to assist with field work and drafting, the mounting backlog and difficulty scheduling outside service providers sharply limited the practice’s ability to meet the demand for services. As a result, a new approach to project selection was taken in which greater emphasis was placed on relationships with project stakeholders and the value RJDCE’s services could bring to a given project. In addition, greater focus was given to balancing types of projects in terms of practice area, phase of construction and deliverables required. Ultimately, RJDCE offered proposals for fewer new projects in 2022 than in 2021, but the projects accepted were typically larger and were better suited to RJDCE’s expertise. Continue reading “The Year In Review: 2022”
Soil and Rock Anchors for Resisting Lateral Loads in Buildings
Soil and rock anchors, sometimes collectively referred to as ground anchors, are tension elements consisting of a tendon composed of prestressing strands or a reinforcing steel bar that is grouted in a borehole. Ground anchors derive resistance to load through the bond strength between the grout, the tendon and the soil or rock in which it is installed.
Ground anchors can be used in temporary or permanent applications, can be installed at angles ranging from vertical to almost horizontal, and are often prestressed to control the deflection of the structure that they support. They were first used in the United States for temporary excavation support applications over 50 years ago. Subsequently, the use of permanent ground anchors has become commonplace in transportation projects. They are often used in non-building structures but are perhaps underutilized in the building sector despite being an economical and adaptable means of resisting lateral load effects on foundations. Continue reading “Soil and Rock Anchors for Resisting Lateral Loads in Buildings”
Construction Beyond Boundaries
With high property values and space at a premium, construction in cities and urban suburbs usually involves redeveloping or expanding the built-up area of a previously occupied lot or collection of lots in an established neighborhood. To maximize the utilization of land, projects are often designed such that the built-up area, including buildings, accessory structures, parking and landscaping are built-up to the property line.
In some circumstances, the owner of a project or their contractor may request that access to perform work on abutting properties so that the project can make the greatest use possible of the buildable area on the site. This frequently occurs in major cities where buildings extend to the boundaries of the lots on which they are built. When a new building is constructed along a lot line shared with another building, it is often necessary for the constructor to perform work on the adjacent structure to temporarily or permanently protect it from damage. Underpinning of foundations, roof protection, weatherproofing and stabilization of former party walls, removal of encroachments, and installation of flashing between buildings are common examples. Continue reading “Construction Beyond Boundaries”
Spring 2022 News
Halfway through spring – according to the calendar more than the weather – the 2022 construction season is off to another fast start. This is one of the busiest times of year for Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE) and that trend continues this year. Like a lot of firms, RJDCE has a growing backlog and is experiencing delays and cost increases from outside services and vendors. The lack of available schedule “float” every week and frequent disruptions result in unpredictably long delivery times for certain services. Continue reading “Spring 2022 News”
Contract Project Assistant Wanted
Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE), a diverse structural and foundation engineering and construction risk management practice in Lebanon, New Hampshire, is seeking an independent contractor to serve as a project assistant or entry-level engineer on a project-by-project basis. The immediate need is for someone to accompany an experienced engineer to observe, measure and document existing structures in connection with structural condition assessments and forensic investigations. Depending on the contractor’s capabilities and interests, opportunities may arise to draft or proofread reports, perform or check structural engineering calculations and assist with the preparation of CAD drawings.
Desired qualifications: Two years minimum experience in the architecture/engineering/construction industry or a combination or a related degree and internship and/or professional experience. Must be proficient in speaking and writing in English, preferably with a working knowledge of building technology and construction terminology. Experience with technical writing, CAD and structural design would be ideal.
Location: New Hampshire or the Upper Valley region of Vermont. Most projects are in New Hampshire and Vermont. Contractors in other locations served by RJDCE would be considered, but travel and lodging reimbursement may not be available for most projects.
Compensation: The basis and amount of payment will vary by project.
For more information contact RJDCE.