Construction projects often require the use of temporary works to provide access or protection to workers or the public, to protect adjacent structures, or to support temporary loads during construction. Temporary works often include structures, such as excavation support systems, underpinning, scaffolds, bracing and shoring, formwork, falsework, work platforms, decking, roof protection and structures used in on-site contractor facilities.
Temporary works are typically designed by or for the contractor that uses them but may be designed for the project owner or some other party to secure permits, equalize contractor bids or manage project risk. Even when designed by a contractor, the project owner, design team and other stakeholders may have a vested interest in the performance of a temporary structure. This may necessitate the development of performance specifications, analysis of permanent work for construction staging or review of the contractor’s design.
Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE) can provide concept development, performance specification, analysis, design and review monitoring of a variety of temporary structural systems used in construction, including support of excavation, underpinning, structural shoring and bracing, bridge-like structures and contractor facilities. RJDCE presents experience evaluating applicable design standards and methods required for a particular application, designing modifications to existing temporary works and analyzing existing structures for construction loads. In addition, RJDCE can review temporary works designs for owners and abutters, develop and oversee monitoring programs, investigate performance failures and evaluate construction damage claims associated with temporary structures. Temporary structures for below-ground construction in the urban environment is a specialty area of practice for RJDCE.
See also: Abutter Service, Contractor Services, Protection and Monitoring, Structural Engineering, Support of Excavation, Underpinning