A peer review is an independent evaluation of some aspect of a project by a professional with relevant knowledge and experience. Peer reviews can be performed for various purposes, such as quality assurance, compliance with applicable codes, standards and best practices, project cost, constructability or risk management. The scope of a peer review will depend on its objective, as well as the nature of the project, but will typically involve the review of some set of project-related documents, such as drawings, specifications or reports followed by qualitative analysis and comments by the reviewer.
Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE) can provide peer reviews to project stakeholders for a variety of structural, geotechnical and construction engineering problems, particularly in connection with below-ground construction on urban sites. Among the challenges for which RJDCE can contribute a second opinion are foundation type selection, excavation planning, integration of excavation support into permanent construction, below-grade waterproofing, impact assessment and risk management for adjacent structures and procurement of below-ground construction.
See also: Abutter Services, Design Phase Services, Due Diligence & Feasibility Studies, Risk Management, Urban Sites