“Delegated design” is the means by which the Design Professional of Record (DPOR) passes design responsibility for certain details, elements or systems to the contractor. Strategically allowing the contractor to design certain facets of the project can reduce cost and risk by facilitating the use of proprietary products and allowing the design to make use of the contractors preferred means and methods.
Preparing a delegated design submittal requires a broad understanding of the system in which the delegated design element is to be incorporated, so as to properly interpret the performance standards and help the contractor’s manage its risk. In addition, the design must be clearly communicated to the DPOR and contractor personnel through thoughtfully prepared calculations and working drawings.
Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE) can prepare delegated design submittals for a variety of structural and foundation components, including temporary structural systems interfacing with permanent work. In addition, RJDCE can assist project owners and design professionals to develop cost-effective and risk-targeted performance specifications for contractor-designed systems and elements.
See also: Contractor Services, Design Services, Foundation / Geostructural Engineering, Structural Engineering