In eastern Massachusetts, historic town centers, trolly suburbs and urban infill development radiate from the ‘hub’ that is Boston. The development density in the region varies widely and existing construction is highly diverse in terms of type and age.
Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE) specializes in solving the technical and risk management challenges of construction on urban sites surrounded by existing buildings and underground infrastructure. RJDCE calls this integrated suite of service – which is not offered by most traditional structural and geotechnical engineering firms – ‘site-structural engineering’. RJDCE’s specialty services for the Boston area architecture, engineering and construction community include:

- Specialty Foundation Engineering: RJDCE can perform type selection, analysis and design of foundations with consideration of constructability and risk management for adjacent construction. Read More.
- Construction Impact Assessment: In the urban environment, new construction, particularly below-ground, exposes adjacent structures to damage risk. RJDCE can assess potential construction impacts on adjacent properties, provide monitoring plans and pre-construction surveys, and help stakeholders manage risk. Read More.
- Excavation Support: RJDCE can provide analysis and detailed design of a variety of excavation support systems with consideration of system deformation and impacts on adjacent buildings, utilities
and other infrastructure. Read More. - Underpinning: RJDCE can provide rigorous analysis and design, as well as construction documents for underpinning systems, including site-specific analysis of building load and provisions for lateral support.
Read More. - Abutter Services: RJDCE assists owners and occupants of buildings potentially impacted by adjacent construction manage their risk exposure.
Read More. - Structural Alterations: In urban areas, minor structural alterations often require engineering analysis and design. RJDCE is familiar with a variety of historical construction types and, as a boutique practice, is well suited to take on small projects like these.
Read More.
Learn more: Site-Structural Engineering for the Urban Environment.
For assistance, please feel free to call (844) 410-7100 or Email.