Statement on COVID-19

Richard J. Driscoll, Consulting Engineer (RJDCE) is monitoring the ongoing public health crisis associated with the spread of the novel coronavirus and the resulting disease, COVID-19. States of emergency have been declared in much of RJDCE’s service area, including the states of, including the states of Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Virginia, the District of Columbia and New York City.

RJDCE is continuing to provide services to clients and is available to take on new projects. Since it already uses online collaboration tools, RJDCE anticipates maintaining operations throughout the crisis. Travel will be limited and meetings and site visits will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. RJDCE would be pleased to remotely assist firms that are experiencing disruptions.

If you have questions about a current project or the status RJDCE’ operations generally, or need assistance, please contact RJDCE.

How You Can Stay Safe

Hygiene and social distancing can slow the spread of the Coronavirus, reducing the strain on healthcare infrastructure. Follow the advice of your local public health officials and care providers.

How You Can Help

The economic impacts of the Coronavirus crisis are already beginning to manifest, especially areas hard-hit by community transmission. The travel, hospitality, food service and transportation industries are already experiencing job losses. Small businesses and independent contractors are especially at risk. Here are a few ways you can help support small businesses if you are able, even while practicing social distancing (after the Upper Valley Business Alliance among others):

  • Buy gift cards and use them or give them away later. This provides cash flow when business might otherwise be slow.
  • Maintain subscriptions and monthly services, like gyms, housekeepers, daycare, newspapers, etc., even if you do not use them. Many small businesses depend on these steady payments to stay open.
  • Prepay. If you are planning to purchase goods or services in the near future, place your order now and make arrangements with the vendor to receive it later.

Cultural institutions like theatres, community event spaces and museums, and performance artists are also impacted. Consider making donations or buying tickets for future events.

Most of all, wash your hands and stay home when you can. Stay safe, everyone.